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They were teenage sweethearts

Can they say “I do” a second time?

Abigail last saw her ex-husband, Brad, six years ago, but now that they’re reunited at his sister’s wedding, their cheain! Neither has forgotten the tragedy that tore them apart, but as Brad walks his sister down the aisle, all the romance in the air makes Abby wonder, could she and Brad find theain?

“Good night,” Brad said outside her front door, and leaned forward to kiss Abby on the cheek

Just to prove that they would be fine around each other at the wedding

Except somehow his lips didn’t meet her cheek

Instead, they brushed against her lips Very gently Very lightly

Rather than backing away sensibly, he found hiain Then he drew back

And her lips were parted very, very slightly Inviting hiht at this second, she wanted them to kiss, too

Memories collided in his head The first ti the roses The first ti her over the anvil in Gretna Green, their first kiss as a married couple

How he’d missed her

Hoanted her

And he couldn’t help leaning forward again This time, she let him deepen the kiss And it felt as if every nerve end in his body had just burst into life after five years of being dormant

Dear Reader,