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“Day off,” Ithe blanket over my head

“No one’s off today Get up, and I’ll explain”

I sighed I was noret to work The routine, the discipline, the sense of accomplishment at the end of the day: I loved it all Today was a different story

Last night’s Halloween party had been my last chance When America and I had our one dance, and she explained Maxon’s distance, I got a minute to remind her of ereand I felt it Those threads that bound us together were still there Perhaps they had frayed fro

“Tell me you’ll wait for me,” I’d pleaded

She said nothing, but I didn’t lose hope

Not until he was there,charm and wealth and power That was it I’d lost

Whatever Maxon had whispered to her out on the dance floor see after song, staring into his eyes the way she used to stare into mine

So maybe I’d downed a little too much alcohol while I watched it happen And maybe that vase in the foyer was broken because I threw it Andmy pillow so Avery wouldn’t hear me

If Avery’s words thiswere any indication, chances were Maxon proposed late last night, and ould all be on call for the official announcement

Hoas I supposed to face that moment? Hoas I supposed to stand there and protect it? He was going to give her a ring I could never afford, a life I could never provideand I would hate him to my very last breath for it

I sat up, keepingwith every syllable

“It’s bad Really bad”

I scrunchedon his bed, buttoning his shirt Our eyes met, and I could see the worry in his

“What do you mean? What’s bad?” If this was soht colored tablecloths or so back to bed

Avery exhaled “You know Woodwork? Friendly guy, smiles a lot?”

“Yeah We do rounds together sometimes He’s nice” Woodwork had been a Seven, and we’d bonded ale families and deceased fathers He was a hard worker, and it was clear that he was so on?”

Avery seeirls”

I froze “What? How?”