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“He’s never going to see you cohs, and the lines around hisabout my future husband, Cash McCallister
“Pretty sure he knows I’, but the man beats me to it
“Na ”
With that, he turns, bag in hand, and starts heading out of the train station I follow hi into the back before opening the passenger door for me
He actually has to givestepladder or so
Closing the door behind me, I slip on the seatbelt while he climbs in the driver’s side He buckles his own belt before he turns the key and the truck comes to life
“It’s about an hour’s drive out to the ranch It’s nothing but far before we go?”
“Where is he?” I don’t knohy that’s my response, but I’ isn’t here to pickthe knot before heading out to his ranch That’s what the email had said
“Got held up,” is his only reply as he pulls out of the train station, getting right on the road out of town
I bite my lip as I look over at Earl, who shoots rill him for information about Cash or let it be He’d probably tell hie was going to work and why he needed a wife
A e of convenience Someone to warm his bed and cook his meals He hadn’t said it in such blunt terh I didn’t knohy a man as handso it iven me one picture of himself and said it was the only one he had It looked like it was taken without hi He was on top of a horse, a stern expression on his face
I couldn’t make out his hair with the Stetson on his head or his eye color, but there was no hiding he was attractive andwas the best word I could use to describe hiine a et athe tangles of love This wasn’t going to be hearts and flowers We would each do our part
His words were cold, and at that, I’d pushed the idea of findingout theWhen I’d first found out about the Cowboy Mail-Order Bride Program, I’d let those little romantic ideas dance around in my head, but it was clear fro hi This is all for convenience
He didn’t even ask for a picture of me All he wanted to knoas if I could cook, clean, and work a coency did a background check, and I’iven Cash of it