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Chapter One
Breaking News: Tyler Beckett is ready to take on the press Sources say no expense will be spared, and the press will be handpicked The question is, ill be the lucky ones?
“Knock-knock,” I say, knocking on the big brown door to my editor Stephanie’s office Laser-focused on her computer screen, she looks up at the unexpected, yet hopefully welcolasses Her button-dohite silk shirt is tied at the neck with a bow sash off to the side, showcasing how put together this woman really is
“Hey, Jessica,” she says, s at me “Come on in” She motions with her hands to the eold and silver bangles to clink together
“You said to coing the reason I’ into her corner office, I’n like a beacon in the distance
When I walked into this office seven years ago, I intended to get some experience under h school and had n communications by the time I enty-two I had a plan to travel the world and bring people stories that they often didn’t hear about Aspirations for seeing my byline on articles and published in print and online hat I dreamed about the most
But here I a the juicy Hollywood scoop that people crave And the best part? I aood at raphers’ nu happens in this town, people call me to offer first dibs on the scuttlebutt
“Yes,” she answers “Please sit” I walk toward her, s as I take a seat in one of the chairs After crossing ot a call today fro back in her chair
“What now?” I ask HillCrest is one of the biggest production coan with indie films, and then one of their movies blew up and won seventeen Acadeo … now, if you want them to back your movie, it means a blockbuster, even if it’s shit Trust ross over the one-hundred-million mark that weren’t worth the paper the tickets were printed on
“I’ll cut right to the chase” Getting up and walking to the corner , she keeps her back to me “Tyler Beckett’s new film”
“Adrenaline Run?” I ask her, thinking about the chatter of it becoest box office hit ever, or at least that is the word on the street The trailers have been playing nonstop for the past teeks, the billboards are everywhere, and the er-than-life picture of Tyler Beckett in all his cockiness Unless you live under a rock, you know that this“I’ve seen so to lie; no matter how much I want to hate the ood one”
She turns around, now looking atall out for this film I mean, all out” She eether a press junket”
“Okay, that isn’t anything new” I get up and walk over to her, both of us now surveying our respective kingdoms
“No, you’re right,” she says and then turns toto be your ordinary hotel junket”
“Well, then, what are they doing?” I ask her,Tyler Beckett, it will be a spectacle no doubt” I’m tempted to roll my eyes
“Yeah, you can say that” She turns and walks back to her chair “It’s definitely so no one has seen or done before, which is e need to be at the forefront of the promotion”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, he’s so da,” I say in exasperation She just stares atwhere in the hell that outburst came from I can’t tell you why I feel like this when it comes to Tyler, but I just do Maybe it’s because he is always one step ahead of me when I have a juicy scoop about hi to blow the lid on whatever salacious deets I have on his latest scandal, so what does he do? He releases a state e