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The Bad Guy Celia Aaron 13530K 2023-08-28



My name is Sebastian Lindstrom, and I’m the villain of this story

I’d like to tell you that I try to be good, to do the right thing That would be a lie As with most powerful men, the truth is a minor inconvenience that can be bent like a circus stripper into whatever form I want

But I’ve decided to lay myself bare, to tell the truth for once in ets And I can assure you, it will get so dark that you’ll find yourself feeling around the blackened corners ofa door handle that isn’t there

Don’t iveness nor would I accept it My sins are my own They keep me company Instead, this is the true tale of how I found her, how I stole her, and how I lost her

Her—Ca for When I found her, she was already in the coht He’d clai her off like the treasure she is

A fairy tale romance by all accounts

But every fairy tale has a villain, sos to rip it all down A scoundrel ill set the world on fire if that ets what he wants That’s me




“Are you sure this looks okay?” I pulled the heht blue dress as I stepped from the limo, my hand in Link’s

He s in the low lights along the front of the swank New York hotel “You outshine everyone else here Trust lamor, every smooth line of his body perfectly wrapped in the fabric

I squeezed his hand as he led me up the stairs “You haven’t seen everyone else yet”

“Don’t have to I already know you’ll put them to shame” He wrapped his arm around my waist as the doorman ushered us into the hotel lobby

I welcomed the blast of warm air that dispersed the early winter chill