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Page 29 (1/2)

Quickie Penny Wylder 12130K 2023-08-28


This is a terrible idea I know it the moment the newly refilled drink is put in front ofat the sharp taste of vodka contrasted with the sweetness of cranberry I should sip it, slon But fuck it, this is Vegas, right?

I slaive up a cheer It’s echoed by one, but I can feel it The perfect buzz to have a good time

“How are you feeling, Sandy?” The voice is loud in my ear Anna is my no-bullshit best friend and this whole trip was her idea

“I’ is the only way that she’s going to hear me

Elizabeth leans over the table Of all of us, she looks the best tonight, blonde hair bouncing in giant curls and a sequin dress that rabs my hand “We need you to be better than okay! We need you to feel fucking awesome! Fuck Wyatt You don’t need that piece of shit”

My stootten the shit that is my life The last teeks feel like they’ve been sohtmare, what can you call it? That’s the question I’ve been asking o today, I was sitting in a cake shop, waiting for Wyatt to co cake He was late and not answering my texts And then the call froe that hits ht knock me over

I didn’t see it coone, and so was Laura My younger sister Together, on a trip to Mexico Shit I feel like I’et every tie that makes me want to choke the life out of Wyatt My sister My sister?

Nao the W-word, remember?”

“Shit” Elizabeth sees the look on my face—probably nauseous “Sorry, Sandy”

I wave a hand “It’s okay”

“Seriously though,” she says “I know that we’ve said it a lot, but it’s messed up If it were my sister…”

“What a my eyes “She’s ether” Though I really fucking doubt it Can’t say that I’ll be surprised when he pulls the sa we don’t have another sister I guess he’ll need to find a new family to traumatize