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We seeo back in time

Maverick and I were strangers once more

He went about his life and pretended I didn’t exist When he wasn’t at the house, he was at work Even late into the evenings, he seemed to stay at the office just so he wouldn’t have to see me

The man hated me

Wo me in his bed

I wasn’t jealous of his lovers I was jealous that I lost ers who never spoke to each other, who forgot about the connection we’d once had We weren’t even friends anymore

It was all my fault

Henry fell asleep, so I slipped out of bed and picked up my dress off the floor The bedrooht froh theAfter I finished a perfor any at home

As the soft fabric fell down ood but not nearly as good as it’d been with Maverick That rab a woman He had lips that kne to kiss a woman He had the perfect touch to s as I writhed in ecstasy I didn’t usually compare lovers because they were all at about the same level But now that I’d been with Maverick, I understood why so many women wanted to sleep in his bed

Henry stirred when he heard ?”

I’d been hoping to slip out without waking hi to to do My life revolved around the opera, and that took place in the evenings I spent my days in a mansion without anyone to talk to

He got out of bed and came up behind me “You should stay anyway” His arms circled my waist, and he placed a kiss on my neck