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Yukon, Canada

Autumn 2004


EARLY October

A cold, ainst the tin roof

“We should be drinking whiskey,” Violet said “So to warm our bones”

I set another birch log on the fire and crawled back onto the bearskin rug where Vi had spraith her wineglass

“You’re already cold?” I asked


“Hate to say it, but that doesn’t bode well for you this winter”

“How cold does it get here? Worst case scenario”

“Fifty below Sixty on a bad day”

“I won’t even get out of bed”

I sippedin the rafters over the loft—what had once been my office now converted into Violet’s bedroom and her four-month-old Max’s nursery He slept up there in bliss, the warathered

I studied the firelight flush across Violet’s face

I’d shunned it, fought it, tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t deny what I felt in the pit of hardfor this woman

“What is it?” Vi said


“Noyou have this look”

“I don’t knohat you’re talking about”

She s on me, Andy?”

I blushed through to the tips of ht

“Little bit, I’m sorry”

“No, it’s completely understandable I’m adorable”

I laughed, ain, Violet had leaned in so close I could smell the wine on her breath

Her green eyes were flecked with black This I hadn’t noticed before


“I want this”

“You’re sure? Because if you have any doubt—”

She shut me up with a kiss




I could’ve lived there

We came apart, the corners of my mouth electrified with the taste of her I ran oing to take this

“I haven’t,” I said “Not in a long time”

“Haven’t what? What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, I just—”

“Wait” She recoiled “You think we’re going to sleep together?”

“No, I just thought—”

“I’, we are”

“Why do you torture me?”

“Because it’s so easy?”

She set her wineglass on the floorboard and pulled me on top of her

“Tell the truth,” she whispered “How ined this moment?”

I sainst my ribs