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He shook off his fanciful iain?” It was early Friday afternoon, and Hunter rarely made appearances in the office so close to the weekend He was a man who not only worked hard, but he played hard as well

Not Alex As the oldest Worth brother and CEO of Worth Luxury, it was up to hi hours to ensure the erandfather continued to thrive

It was his obsession

“I need your help” Hunter’s expression became serious “You won’t like it, but I have no other choice”

Unease slithered down Alex’s spine “What’s wrong?”

“I need you to step in for me and take my place for the relaunch tour” Hunter held up a hand, stopping Alex’s protests “I know it’s lastyou want to do, but I have no other choice My hands are tied”

“What do you mean, your hands are tied? You’re the face of Worth You have to go We’ve planned this tour for months Why bow out now?”

“There’s adivision I think we have a spy”

Alex frowned “A spy? What do you mean?”

“Infor leaked to thea new, exclusive clothing line for women as an experiment This came days before our planned announcement Some of the items featured are almost identical to e’d planned to offer No way can it be a coincidence” Hunter’s expression turned griet a handle on ure out who’s the rat We can’t have this”

“Of course, we can’t have this” Alex clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding together “I’ll work on it I’ll find the rat and fire the offended him more, it was a traitor He’d been deceived before, both in the boardroom and the bedroom

Never again would he allow it to happen

“I can’t let you do that” Hunter shook his head “As head of Brand Marketing, it’s my duty to fix this Besides, they’ll trust me more and ith me over you No offense bro, but you scare the shit out of just about every e”

“That’s exactly what they need” After the last ten years, Worth Luxury had risen above its stodgy reputation andproviders of luxury goods all over the world

Their father had died when Alex enty-seven, and he’d taken over the reins at Worth Many in the industry scoffed, deee coativity had fueled his ambition

“No Trust o inthe itinerary She’s ements now”

Alex rubbed his hand along his jaw, hisfor any sort of excuse “What about Rhett? Send him out as the Worth family representative”

Hunter snorted “I can’t trust Rhett to reo on a tour of this nitude He would probably becos” Their baby brother had no work ethic whatsoever

“Send hiested “One who’ll keep him on track”

“Who could we find to keep hianized secretary? He’d have her in his bed by the first night”

The very iht to keep his irritation under control “I can’t afford to leave now either, Hunter I’otiations on the new London location, and we’re near closing on the is secure”

“You can handle the London negotiations from anywhere in the world, Alex What I need to handle is here, and I can’t leave it” Hunter sighed “I feel bad, bro I really do But I can’t risk leaving right now I need you to do this—for Worth”

Tessa Crawford scanned the email Hunter Worth’s assistant had forwarded her earlier thiseach itee the passenger na on the hotel reservations, having already called two of the four hotels na the necessary adjustments

He would be gone for ten days, taking his brother’s place on a ind tour relaunching four of the newly re days without seeing his handso his tall, broad forant suits

A little sigh escaped her She would miss him terribly, which was foolish Her childish crush on her boss could never go farther than her s for Alexander Worth, she would be the laughingstock of the entire building