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Sa a breath like she was trying to calm herself down

“Alright We need to just settle down and think this through Before we start panicking about what you would do if you are, we need to get confirht now Sometimes extreme stress canon Let’s take this one step at a time I think you should talk to Aiden,” she said “Maybe he needs to know it’s not a joke”

I shook h I knew she couldn’t see me “No Not yet I don’t want to talk to him until I know for sure If I’m not, I don’t want it to even be a conversation This is not the right ti We haven’t even said ‘I love you’ to each other I don’t even knohat he thinks of our relationship or the possibility of a future in the real world after all this is over And what if it’s never over? What if I spend the rest offrom these people?”

“You won’t,” Sa to be over I proure out what your life will be like”

“I still don’t want to talk to him about it yet,” I said

“Okay That’s your choice But you need to find out I can have et a test for you”

I thought about this for a second It would be the ht I didn’t want to get anyone else involved in this situation yet I mostly knew these et around that Sa the close proximity of all of us while we hid out in Brett’s house That wasn’t so I needed to do on my own

If I really was pregnant, I wouldn’t be able to just think about myself anymore Everyone around me couldn’t do it for me I would have to take care of the baby before it was born and be strong enough to be a mother for it after Besides, if I was, I kneould need some time to myself to really think about it before I told Aiden I would need to processto react

This was so I had to do myself

I spent the rest of the , but I kne important it was After lunch, Aiden told s he needed to do outside and that he’d be back later I waited until he had been out for a couple ofhis keys froht Aiden’s truck up to his place yesterday

Rushing out of the cabin, I juine over Before I could let myself overthink the situation, I pulled back and drove down the drive As I approached the access road, I heard a voice shouting fro up in the rearview mirror, I saw Aiden run out and chase me for a few paces

His face isted in an angry expression, and his arms flailed as he continued to shout at me I couldn’t understand all of his words, but I definitely heardof profanity thrown in for good measure I turned my attention away from the mirror and back to the drive ahead of me as I turned onto the access road

I didn’t knohere I was or exactly how to get to the store All I kneas if I turned right, the access road would eventually lead onto theup as soon as I was off the drive and getting further away from the protective bubble of the cabin I was very aware of the truck I was driving and the fact that I was the only person in it

Part ofI had to do this I couldn’t just keep wondering It wasn’t like it was going to go away if I pretended it wasn’t real or if I didn’t find out for sure As sick as I was already feeling and as h, I couldn’t just push it aside and keep going without it tearing me apart inside