Page 16 (1/2)
I was able to e of the road All she had to do was give it a little gas and she would be hoet started, but once I did, I was able to drive it right up to the road When I got out of her car, sheas about to happen
“Thank you so much,” she said “I want to help replenish the supplies you shared with me”
“Don’t I helped someone who needed help I didn’t do it for money”
“Please You’ve been so helpful and so nice the last few days You literally saved my life”
“Only because you got lucky I was ho anyone else wouldn’t do Seriously, keep your et home”
“Really, I insist,” she began again
“No” I pushed her hand with a stack of bills in it away “That’s final I can’t accept anything for this”
There see further, then resigned herself to defeat, nodding as she put the money away
“Well, thank you anyway If there is anything I can ever do for you, please let me know,” I said
“Of course, but there won’t be”
“The least I can do is save you a trip into town,” she said “The roads look great from here You don’t need to follow me”
“Are you sure?” I asked
She nodded, sh”
“Alright, well, then I do have a favor,” I said “Text ot home safe That’s all That way I know the story is over”
She reacted to that phrasing a little strangely, her lips pursing together on one side for a second before giving le nod
“Fair enough,” she said
We exchanged nu for her to drive away and see her going down the road safely before I headed back to the cabin When I pulled in and got inside, I was struck by the sudden loneliness of the place Sure, it was peaceful, and it was nice to not have to worry about someone else’s comfort, but at the same time, it was kind of nice to have another human around Especially one as pretty as her