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“But then you asked rins “And then you stoleso damn cute with the ransom notes”

“That’s all it took? Damn, you’re easy”

His eyes narrow “Are you ready for a relationship?”

“Define ready”

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath Then they fly open and he rushes with his hands “I think about you all the ti out with your dad I want to play strip poker with you I want you to play the keyboard forspeakers so I can feel the passion when you play”

I wave a hand to stop him “Why do you assume I have passion when I play?”

“Because you have this fire in you…”

I point to my chest “Me?”

“Yes, you You burn brightly”

“I didn’t burn at all for a really long time”

He looks at ainst the tender skin “Tell me about the day you did this?”

I tugfrom side to side across the scars A shiver runs up my spine My skin is really tender froentle “I’ve never told anyone about that”

“You could start with“Did it all start with a cold, dreary night?”

“No, it started with a bright, sunny day I had been depressed for quite soo to a therapist He gave me meds for depression, but I didn’t take therief or my loneliness”

“You had five sisters and you were still lonely?”