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“Mom, we can’t…”

“Don’t ‘we can’t’ o Now, either you can take htstand and said, “Lou, would you get the phone book out of the bottom drawer for me, please?”

Lou looked at Brody like a deer caught in the headlights

“Don’t do it, Lou” Then he turned to his roaned “You’re sure this is what you want to do?”

“Positive” She so and pack a picnic while Lola here helps et up from her chair and pointed her toward the bureau to retrieve some clothes “Move it, son I don’t have a lifetime”

“Yes, ma’am,” Brody said as he pushed Lou from the room

In the hallway, her worried eyes ood idea?”

“No,” was his only reply

“Then why are we doing it?”

“Because, when people as sick as my mom are about to die, they usually have a day or two of clarity before it happens They usually rally right before death They have an opportunity to take care of unfinished business and to say goodbye to the people they love”

Lou reached up and touched his cheek “Oh, Brody, I had no idea”

He took her hand and brought it to his lips He kissed the backs of her fingers gently “It’s going to be okay I have been expecting this for a while but it sure doesn’thio and make sandwiches”

They worked well in the kitchen, packing a picnic basket with sandwiches, chips, cookies, and drinks Lou made three sandwiches and placed them in the basket “You need to make one more,” Brody said around a mouthful of ham


“Because you’re going with us” With the look on her face, she expected him to follow the comment with, “Duh,” but he refrained