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“Brody, this is Lou We just took a swim We were about to…”
“I can see what you were about to do, John There’s no need to explain You’re a chip off the old block” Brody punched John softly in the ar smile
John had the decency to flush before turning to Lou “Lou, this is my cousin, Brody”
Lou extended her hand to shake his “Nice to meet you, Brody”
He grasped her hand firaze to roam freely up and down her body He wasn’t completely sure if it was because he wanted to unnerve her, or because he enjoyed the view He was taken aback by the spark of sensation he got when her dark eyes finally met his, yet he forced himself to hold firaze from his
Lou disentangled her hand frouys go ahead I’ll meet you both back at the house Do you mind?” Lou asked
“If you asked ht southern accent “She would tell you that I never did mind very well”
Broden James Wester, III was home
Chapter Two
Brody clapped John on the back as they walked side-by-side to the big house “Your girlfriend is so”
“Who? Lou? Oh, no, it’s not like that, Brody” John sta his head “She’s just—”
John’s thought was cut off mid-sentence when an excited squeal arose from the porch “As I live and breathe! It’s Brody!” Sadie shrieked as a huge grin erupted on her face
Brody dropped his bags and rushed forward, wrapping his arround and spin her slowly “Well, aren’t you the prettiest thing I’ve seen in years, Sadie?” He placed her on her feet “And light as a feather, too,” he said, unable to keep her excite him as well He placed a kiss on her weathered cheek
“Oh, you, stop I ain’t no such thing” She reached up to tousle his sandy hair “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, boy?”
“Sadie, I left the boy back on the faro”