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"I have a very iroup to I won't be there"
"You've got to be there" I said sharply
"What? I've got to be at the funeral ofan ihed "Hardly" she said She started to turn away
I couldn't stand the thought of her belittling Jake I wouldn't permit it
"He's not just your mother's chauffeur, Wait!" I shouted with insistence
"What is it?" she said impatiently "I have ih of this day already"
"Jake wasn't just your mother's chauffeur Jake was your father," I said
For a moment she didn't speak Then she took a few steps back toward hed
"Are youcrippled, these distorted, ridiculous thoughts? My father-- Jake the family chauffeur?"
"He told ot pregnant with you That's why the an differently than he treated you He knew,"
Her cold ser and hate I had yet seen on the screen of her face This venomous expression rose from some well of enmity that surely went as deep back in time as Cain A veil of darkness fell across her as she stepped closer She see until she looel of death about to pounce
"How dare you distort things I've told you in confidence? How dare you create so, ridiculous tale of sin? Is it to cover your own guilt? Is that it? Do you hope that by doing this, the fingers of blaer point at you?"
"No, of course not I' you what Jake told o He was proud of you Aunt Victoria, He often spoke of your strengths and accomplishments and--''
"Stop it!" she screaers down at me as she slapped her pal "I won't listen to another syllable! If you should asto anyone I'll I'llin this chair onderful compared to ill follow"
"I don't care if you believe it," I said quietly "But you should attend the funeral"