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"Why don't you know anything if you work here? Where's the doctor? I need to talk to so," I moaned
She practically liftedthe blanket around ainst the pillow
"I'll crank the bed up for you," she said and pushed a button that raised my head and upper torso until I was nearly in a seated position Then she moved the tray table so the food was in front of me "Can you feed yourself, or do you want me to feed you?"
"I can eat byfor myself if you people will just let me"
"Good I got two other patients on this floor and neither can do much for themselves They can't even wipe their own noses most of the time and they're not much older than you"
She started away from the bed and then stopped and returned to fasten the straps over s
"Please, can't you leave them undone?" I asked
"You et fired," she said
"Why do you work here if they'll fire you for anything that happens?" I asked
She finally smiled
"It's a good job They pay me more than I can make most anywhere else, and there's justfor herself and she doesn't get much social security"
"How long have I been here? You can tell me that at least," I said
She shrugged
"Not more than a day, because I would have seen you before," she said
We heard the sound of footsteps in the hall