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"Hopefully, you will be cured and gone by that time," he said "I'o home, home to that little sister who needs you, and your twin brother and your parents, who I am sure miss you"

"Well, where are they then?" I asked "Why don't they come to see me?"

My question startled him

"In your case, it is not advisable just yet Too much too soon, as I said, could cause you to have a breakdown and do what I just described: drive your past even farther away"


He hesitated

"I'm not sure it's wise to tell you that just yet" "I have to know Why?" I insisted

"Very well It's because what happened to you is so you blauilt," he explained

"So then, whatever happened was my fault? What did I do that was so terrible?"

"Maybe nothing," he said, "or edy," he continued "You have to proceed in steps First, gradually return to yourself and then deal with the guilt Okay?"

"No It's not okay Why doesn't my family come to see me?" I exclaimed

"There are frequent reports," he said

"Reports? I would never be satisfied with only reports Did I do souilt?"

"You know it's better if you make your own discoveries," he said rather dryly

I thought for a moment Could it be that an's?