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He nodded

"Your full naan," he said Then he stared atyour full name? Do you remember any more about yourself? Close your eyes and repeat your naed

I did so and then I shook my head

"I don't re," I wailed "I can't," I cried more desperately

"You will," he proradually until it all rushes into your consciousness again If you're just patient and--"

I shook my head

"I can't stand it!" I cried "I look in theat so around on pins, and needles My head keeps echoing with questions, over and over and--"

"Easy, Laura Don't upset yourself," he said, but the tears were already flowing downas they traversed my face and dripped off my chin I shook my head violently, shook it so hard, it revived the ache in my neck

"No, no, no I want to be cured noant to re Tell me why I'm like this!" I screamed at him

He stood up

"Easy, Laura Please You're just upsetting yourself andit all that much more difficult for us to help you here,"

"I don't want to be here I want to bewhere do I want to be? I don't even know that!" I shouted I gazed down at my arms, the black and blue marks still vivid "Look at ged and then I rose and looked about the office, looked for an avenue of escape I felt like running and running until I couldn't run anymore

He was around his desk instantly and at my side "Laura, relax now Sit calently but firmly

Megan's terrified face flashed before me

"He's the worst," she whispered