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"I just did what I thought was right for you, Laura I only wanted to protect you I--"
"You had no right," I insisted, furiously shaking my head at him "What did you tell her exactly? I want to know all of it, every ugly detail"
"I didn't tell her anything exactly I told her how funny you had been acting and how suddenly you wanted to go see Aunt Belinda, that you said she knew about girl stuff
"As soon as I said that, Grandma Olivia pounced 'Girl stuff?' she de that boy, then? How serious has it gotten?' she de Honest, I did, but she kept atif I knew if you had ever been alone with him She's the one who sul tested the inn, now that I think about it Yes That's what she said 'Has she gone to that inn?' Froht she knew and was just checking to see if I would be truthful I told her you had been with Robert at his place for dinner She asked if I knew if his parents were there I said I didn't know, but I guess you're right: I'ain in a sharper voice I said I thought one and then she was the one who told me what you had done It was as if she had read the letters herself, Laura I swear," he added with his hand up as if he were about to take the witness stand in a courtroom
"And you didn't deny any of it? You let her believe it," I concluded
"She took one look at my face and said I didn't have to say another word My eyes said it all She's spooky You kno she is She's--"
"She's a very unhappy old woman, Cary That's what she is, and now she's succeeded inme unhappy, too," I said "And you helped her Are you satisfied?"
"No, of course not But Laura, he shouldn't have" Cary looked away "If he loved you like you said, he would respect you more and that never would have happened"
"I don't want to talk about it anymore, Cary I'm afraid tha
t anything I say to you et back to Grandma Olivia anyway," I added
It was as if I had slapped him hard across the face His head actually jerked to the side and his eyes filled with such pain, I couldn't look at him
"I'm sorry, Laura, but I just did what I did becausebecause I love you," he blurted and turned quickly to rush out of the room
I re at the closed door and hearing Cary's words echo in my ears How could I ever explain all this to Robert? Who could ever understand the madness of my family?
I tried to sleep, but fretted in and out of night ain, only to wake before the ain I was in such a deep sleep whenabout the house It was May who finally wokemy arm
My eyelids fluttered and I looked at her without understanding why she was there Then I gazed at the clock and flew out of bed She followedher questions Was I sick? Was Cary sick? He wouldn't say a word to anyone, she claimed I was fine, I told her I just overslept