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"There was, but I lost hi for him," she explained
"Always looking for him? I don't understand, Aunt Belinda Where did you look?"
She laughed
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Her eyes grew small, suspicious "Did Olivia send you here to find out?"
"Oh no, Aunt Belinda She has no idea I'm here" She stared, skeptical, and then nodded softly
"Every time I fall in love with someone, Olivia falls in love with him, too She always says she was first, that he liked her first and I stole hi promiscuous Well, no one likes her because she's a cold fish She won't even hold hands in public! You can run back and tell her I said that, if you want"
"I won't tell her anything you say to me, Aunt Belinda," I assured her
"If you love someone," she continued, "you're not afraid to touch him or have him touch you Olivia says that's ridiculous She says it's not necessary to touch all the ti Oh, she'll deny that; she'll say she kisses in private, but she doesn't I know Young hed and then leaned forward again "You knohat I heard Samuel told sohts on and never with the covers off Like she has so to see"
She paused and looked at ain
"What did you say your name was, dear?"
"I'hter Laura How can you be in love sospecial?"
"It alas, every time," she replied She pulled in the corners of her mouth and nodded "You just make sure they respect you and treat you like a lady Don't let hiht away Let him twist and torment himself and then," she said with a wide siven him the world
"I was in love once," she added wistfully "A long tiht the sun rose and set onthe rain clouds But when you s'
"Wasn't that sweet? It's poetry He wrote poetry Olivia found the poems and tore them up She said if I complained, she would show them to Daddy and he would see what I was up to
"I wasn't up to anything I justwanted someone to love me and I wanted to love him"