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cheek and ran to the front door I didn't turn back to
wave I went inside and up to my room before anyone could see my face Then I went to the bathroom and threw cold water on my cheeks "Laura? Is that you,
honey?" I heard Mommy call from my doorway "Yes, Mommy"
"Everything all right?"
"Yes, Moo to the
bathroom," I said "I'm fine"
"Okay Would you like soh" "Oh Is Mrs Royce a good cook?"
I sed and closed my eyes Robert had
told ood cook
"Yes, Mommy," I said I felt like I had stuck
pins in my own throat No one believed in me more
than Mommy and no one would refuse more to
believe I had lied or been deceitful
"That's nice, dear You can tell me all about it
toht, Mommy"