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Page 10 (2/2)

Just as he ondering if he had the right house, Katrina stepped out onto the small porch “Take no notice of Suzie She likes to think she’s funny” She kissed the other wo to stay, but I’ll be fine”

“Call me if you needdown the steps “So needs to be done about the crime rate in this town” She addressed the re off toward her car

“Has so happened that I need to know about?” he asked as he approached Katrina

“Would you mind if we talked about this in the yard?” He raised a questioning eyebrow and she sighed “Holly,Boris in here, too, she may have a complete breakdown”

“Outside is fine by me”

Stepping out of the house, she closed and locked the front door before leading hi a side path and into the yard He noted the way the space had been divided There was a large lawn, an area for the dogs to run free around the outside edge, an obstacle course and a s her work home

As soon as they entered the yard, two dogs dashed up and gave Boris a thorough inspection The well-behaved canine remained perfectly still until Spencer freed hirass and rolled on his back before taking off at a run After a few seconds, the other two followed

“Actually, bringing Boris wasn’t a bad aze followed the chase “He’s definitely an alpha, so Dobby will be forced to back off It takes the heat off things for a while”

“Right” Spencer viewed her profile with pleasure for a moment or two, then reverted to a businesslikeabout?”

“When I got back here, there was a guy in my kitchen”

“What?” The thought of her in dangerwith it memories of another time, another place “You mean, he’d broken into your house?”

“Not quite” She hung her head “When I disturbed hione, I checked to see how he’d gotten in and theof the downstairs closet was open I otten to close it when I left for work this ”

“Or the intruder forced it open?”

“There aren’t any signs that it has been forced,” Katrina said “I think he was probably an opportunist who saw an empty house with an openHe was just unlucky that I ca”