Page 99 (1/2)
“You stupid bitch, I bankrolled this entire venture” Wade’s lip curls “I own you”
Reggie walks through the suite again, looking around “Every goddamn room has a ”
“Put her in the bathroom,” Wade says “I’ll walk down to the corner and purchase rope, duct tape, and a bicycle chain to tie her hands and lock her in”
Reggie nods “Get going I’ll guard her
The other man starts for the door, but then walks back toto double-cross me”
With a loud SMACK! he whips his ht explodes behind my eyes, and it takes me a moment to realize I’h my cheek, and my mouth is full of the thick, coppery taste of blood
“You’re deter a cloth handkerchief to me
Wade bends down and grabs a handful of ht at the top ofle not to cry out, but the pain makes it difficult
“I’m not impressed by you, Zelda Wilder I don’t value your life over our plans for Monagasco Do you understand?” He’s so close, little drops of spit hit ie, you’d already be dead”
Blinking fast, I struggle to hold it together as I glare back at his hateful eyes
“One sneaky trick One attempt to escape, and I won’t hesitate” He shoves ain
His shoes squeak on the oes to the door It closes with a slaie and me
“Why are you here, Zelda? I told you to wait until I came for you”
“Let ie” My heart aches and e this”