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My scalp prickles as I feel the blood drain fro Rowan at the race!
The rooie will say Do the right thing, Reginald…
“You’re planning to assassinate the crown prince” It isn’t a question It isn’t even as shocked as it should be
“Such an ugly word” Wade’s sli it’s a difficult track It involvesand rapid acceleration A hairpin turn is positioned at the top of a high cliff, and at one point, the drivers are plunged into almost total darkness”
“The tunnel,” Reggie says quietly
“Fatal crashes occur all the ti’s car failed If he slammed into the wall and joined their ranks”
Closing ot to get out of here I’ve got to get back across the hall, to our rooot to warn Rowan… I start to
“It won’t work,” Reggie says, and I stop to listen
“Why the devil not?”
“MacCalla happens to Rowan, he becoacy”
“You disappoint“You think my plan doesn’t include MacCallam?”
I’m frozen in place Not Cal…
Reggie hesitates a moment “What have you planned?”
More movement “As captain of the pit crew, Cal would know if the car had proble it out, top to bottom… Unless he had ambitions of his own Unless he saw an opportunity to seize power”
Reggiesound “Everyone kno close the brothers are No one will believe Cal would intentionally hurt Rowan”