Page 34 (1/2)
“Right now?”
“Come, come, it will only take a moment”
The two of them set off in the direction of the library, and I’s and a pale grey tunic sweater made of a fuzzy yarn like Mohair One shoulder is exposed, and her pale blonde hair is styled in large curls over it Her eye er
Zelda Benedict is actually quite lovely I look down at h the entryway into the left hall Mother is at the spa in Marins, so it’s up to me to play host
“I hope your friend isn’t ill” Yep, no getting away from where my mind is
“She said she was tired I’ serious” Zelda’s voice is soft At times, it reminds me of Ava’s, but I suppose it’s because they’re friends
We’re in the living roo at the wet bar in the far corner “Would you like a glass of chane?”
She glances up and s here, wouldn’t it?”
“It is frone appellation”
I pour us each a glass of Canard-Duchene and we do a little clink
“Mhs “It’s delicious Not bitter or sweet”
“It’s my mother’s favorite”
She walks to the small fountain stationed in the center of the wall It flon to a grate and provides ambient noise
“Your life here is so lovely” Her thoughts see up like this, without a care in the world”
I wasn’t prepared for her comment, and I pause a moment to think about how our lives here must appear “Before my father died, I was quite selfish I did whatever the hell I wanted to do without worrying about anyone”