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“Wade Paxton would unite the kingdoovernment”

“Wade Paxton is a thug”

“Not very respectful verbiage for the Priton, also known as our future partner”

“He’s no better than one of those ie’s voice is laced with snobbery “He’d tax the people and change the very nature of Monagasco”

Hubert’s tone is undeterred “Soe, but as leaders, you and I can help maintain the best parts, the heart of the nation Once Philip is out of the way, of course, which could be sooner than we think”

My fists tighten at my sides I’m ready to step out of the shadows and shake Hubert’s traitorous neck until his teeth rattle The only thing stopping me is my desire to hear the extent of this treachery

“You’re right about one thing,” Reggie says “Philip’s health is tenuous We need to be prepared to act should a crisis arise”

“What about Rowan? If he’s not on our side, we could end up in the sa to wait out”

“Possibly” My uncle pauses, and I feel the heat rising around my collar

“Wade has a plan for ency Should Rowan prove… difficult”

“I’ie scoffs “And Cal? Shall ipe out the entire Tate line?”

Hubert’s voice is low and wicked “Perhaps being in league with a ‘thug’ as you put it has its advantages”

How dare these bastards! What they’re saying is high treason! My body is poised to ie’s words freeze me in place

“I’m sure Wade’s tactics won’t prove necessary When the ti, we can count on Rowan”

Count on Rowan? Is it possible he thinks I would even consider a ton? Their voices recede down the corridor ashas had a difficult evening I’ll let hiht, but I will present hiht When the ti