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To take me back
But isn’t that the story of my life?
Always thinking about myself?
Leaving teaching to get intoabout the people ere relying on an to split my time as an elementary school teacher and a model
And then when a better offer ca the implications to others when I moved into porn
Maybe I deserved someone who used me as casually as Robert did Maybe I never hit him, but I abused others with ht about theood for me
That’s hen I finally found out about hi about his wife and child I just drove
Got out of there
I could have gone to the police, maybe?
If not that, I could have tried to warn others His wife had said there were other women, hadn't she?
And then in New York
Froht about myself first and foremost
Sure, hun, if you’re saying I had to think about the baby at the end, I’ll agree that I thought about the baby
But there had to have been another way than asking Ethan to give up what he’s worked on for so long
I just never bothered to see what it was