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Yeah, that wasn’t ht
Tonight I waved to the security guy outside of Illicit Entertainment and walked with a brisk step uptown up 7th Avenue
Want to know the really best part about One57? The corner gourht as you walk into the lobby Seriously, I ht underneath my apartment
I pause and pick up soetables and a few steaks
Don’t give me that look I can cook Did you really think there was nothing I couldn’t do? I went to fucking UCLA ands I set my mind to
It’s true, I usually eat out Or I have iven the opportunity to, you’d be surprised what I can whip together
Like today I’rill some steak and then slice theetables and some couscous on the side I ordered a cake for dessert, but it should be a perfect dinner for two
That’s right I said two
As in Brittney is co over for dinner
I know, I know You’re either squealing in delight because you think she’s going to coether, and then fucking cuddle, and thenyour eyes and wondering hoent fro CEO in the country to so pussy
Well, it’s neither
Sure, I totally acknowledge that Brittney is co fucking day And she’s fucking gorgeous Those tits So fucking perky That cute as a button face That slender body Oh my God, that ass I want to rub my cock between those ass cheeks and then cu ass
Try it Have souarantee you that you will love it, babe
And don’t look away or wonder who I’ to you If yo