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Dirty Daddy Alexis Angel 10030K 2023-08-28

"Are you at Ethan’s computer?"

"Yes, but nohat? I don't have the password for this machine, you know It's locked"

"Okay, I'h this," Walter says "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess I don't hear anyone co tensely over my shoulder

"The first thing you need to do is shut the computer down"

"What? Why? Doesn't that see off?"

"Just trustabout"

"Okay, it's off"

"Good, now reboot it in Safe Mode," Walter instructs "You need to do this so that you can effectively login as an administrator to the machine"

"You're speaking another language … but sure," I say "Okay, done Nohat?"

"Now, you'll need to reset the password"

"The password for which account?"

"For the account that's locked," Walter says "If we're going to gain access to the Illicit Escape software and plans, we'll need to change the administrator password so that we can unlock it all"

"Since when did you get so high-tech on me Walter?" I joke

"Just here to help, darling We've got to move quickly"