Page 19 (1/2)

The other six occupants, Asha, Caren, Eloise, Grady, Rai, and Cyrus, were friends from our houses on campus They all lived within an hour or two from the hotel, and we’d made plans to meet up for New Year’s Eve

Olivia hadaround until I was able to score tickets for all of us The hotel ood ro accoht

There were two empty seats at our table because as Danny had arrived a few hours ago, but he aiting at the airport for Delia’s plane to land

Thankfully, ere barely into the first course when Olivia gasped and shot up from her chair She squealed with excite to meet her in the middle “I can’t believe you're here!”

“When I heard you scored tickets to this event, I had to come and see what all the fuss was about” Delia winked at ed her friend

Danny said so to co each other into a back-slapping“Thanks, man It means a lot that you both came”

“Wouldn’t haveto help Delia into her seat on Olivia’s other side

Conversation flowed freely during thethe co her so happy

Once the e and began playing Couples wandered out to the dance floor, and eventually, Olivia—as leaning back against me from her chair—looked up and asked, “How about a dance, sexy?”

I leaned down and kissed her forehead before answering “Anything to get you in my arms, baby” She chuckled as she sat up and put her shawl on the table with her clutch I gritted ing her up to our room to do as I’d threatened

But her dress was quickly forgotten when she was pressed up againstto thearound me,” Iyou in my arms is heaven on Earth”

Olivia dropped her head back, and her green eyes were aze “I knoas really rovel, but I have a confession to make”