Page 35 (1/2)
Loyal recalled her co her numbers didn’t add up last weekend when she was drunk Made hi money problems He also wondered if she’d bothered to hire herself a new accountant yet
Maybe he could offer—
No you cannot
Suddenly restless, he said, “Listen, I’atory appearance, then I’uys have fun”
He gave a backave to the chorus of, “Night, Batman,” “Later, Batman,” and a “See ya, old man,” from Merit and rounded the corner of the house to make his way up the steps onto the patio as he drained the last of his beer
A valed to slip past the over a patio heater The uest wearing a hooded cloak and a quiver of arrows
Loyal instinctively reached out a hand to Robin Hood’s shoulder as he stepped back “Sorry, man”
The guy turned around, and any sense of apology flew right out the hen Grayson’s hard gaze met his
“Watch what the fu—” He broke off and darted a look around “Watch where you’re going”
Judging by the dark glare, he’d recognized hinito Loyal dropped his gaze to fully take in his half-brother’s get-up If he didn’t hate the guy so ht have found it funny
Without another word, he turned to leave Loyal hadn’t made it two steps before the obvious costu his empty bottle on a table as he turned back around Aware of the other guests within earshot, he moved in close and lowered his voice
“Why didn’t you take the money my dad offered you?”
Grayson’s brown eyes appeared aluilt round out in an equally low voice “He wasn’t trying to helpin my life”
Loyal considered that, then surprised hi, “Couldn’t it be both? Orto help, because does he really have anything to feel guilty about when he didn’t even know you existed?”
Grayson’s gaze narrowed “I don’t need Diamond charity”