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Her Best Men Rye Hart 7770K 2023-08-28

I gently picked up her leg She was bleeding and badly scraped up I couldn’t see how severe the gash in her leg was, but I could see several splinters that would need to be pulled, and her leg needed to be disinfected and bandaged

“I guess the wood gave way underneath me,” she said

I slowly roseup

“Doesn’t shock me,” I said

I stopped rolling up her pant leg and allowedher knee cap around,was dislocated or broken I sloorkedshin, and that hen I saw her flinch

I found myself curious as to why she was here

“Do you live around here?” she asked

Strike one She wanted to be friendly

“Down the road,” I said

“Did you—?”

My eyes slowly rose back up to hers before Idown to the floor

Her eyes were still roa my body, and I had to bite back er on her as she took in her fill, clocking her proe Her sto into a pair of thighs that had eous woman as in way over her head with a place like this

“Did I what?” I asked

Her eyes snapped back up to mine before her neck flushed with that beautiful pink hue

“Did you know the woman who used to live here?” she asked