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Her Best Men Rye Hart 14510K 2023-08-28

The rest of the e fell on my ears painfully The road turned into a blur in front of e

Josh was in some sort of accident He was ad hies were fro me which hospital he was in

Without thinking, I threw my phone down and sped out of town I was on the freeway intoward Dallas I couldn’t think about anything other than Josh I i I wondered how bad the accident was, how severe his injuries were, and how I could have been so stupid as to leave my phone off all day

Julie crossed ht about calling her or at least texting her to let her knoouldn’th the hallways trying to find my brother’s room

For days now, I’d been so angry with hi to feel his jaw against my knuckles I’d hated him so much that it made me physically sick, but now? He could die, and I was mad at him The last time we spoke, we yelled at each other I kicked him out of my house on Christmas Eve He could die, and that would be my last memory of him

I stopped at the closest nurses’ station and demanded directions to his room The nurse looked up his information and then directed me down the hall There, I found another nurses’ station, but no one was there I scanned the hallway, desperate to find so on

Finally, a nurse appeared down the hall I ran toward her, talking a mile a minute

“Calm down, sir,” the nurse said “Just tell et you all the information I have”

I gave Josh’s na into her computer She scanned the screen and then looked back at me with a patient smile

“He’s still in surgery,” she said “But it looks like he’s stable If anything changes, I’ll let you know immediately”

“Is there somewhere I can wait?” I asked

The nurse pointed down the hall to a waiting room I nodded my thanks and sloalked forward As I did, I pulled out my phone to dial Julie’s nu enough to call her I didn’t want her to think I’d stood her up for no reason

“Michael?” a woman’s voice said behind me

I didn’t recognize the voice, but when I turned around, htened painfully I sed hard and blinked, sure that I was seeing things

“Michael?” she asked again “Is that you?”