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Her Best Men Rye Hart 10760K 2023-08-28

“We were hoping we could get your permission,” I said “To spend the rest of our lives with her in Colorado”

A look of confusion fluttered over his face before his eyes started dancing around all of us I kept a hold on his hand, knowing the coffee would take Kyra so for hi to take a bit

“What do you mean, son?” he asked

“We’ve all fallen in love with your daughter, Mark,” I said “But… we can’t make her choose We

won’t She’s been through enough and we know she loves us all equally and never could make that decision anyway So, we’ve all chosen to love her and support her together”

Noas clicking and the look he was givingshort of shock

“I“She’ll want for nothing, she’ll always have a home, there’ll always be so or who’s traveling, there will always be someone with her”

“You’re serious,” he said

“As a… well… yes,” I said

I saw a lopsided sht it was for the very inappropriate joke I’d almost h

Then, he actually started to nod his head yes

“Holy hell, I hoped hter would end up with one of you boys,” he said “Go fucking figure she’d snag you all”

Laughter trickled around the room and I shook my head in astonishotten her father’s permission And more than that, Mark actually see his hand and giving his and there didn’t seeiven us There was no backtracking and no questions There was no anxiety and no anger

Just mutual respect for all parties involved

“All right, boys, I’ this, you’rea promise not to hurt her”