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Andy snorted “Man, that’s only because we told you she could come back at any time I wasn’t about to lease her apart to be a per”

“I think we can all see that this is veryThey’ll work out the rest” Hunter left us to go into the kitchen calling out, “Who wants a burger and ribs? I’ry” And hopefully that meant the conversation was over for now

“I could eat” David reached for the chips and dip

Imy foot up my own ass “You know, none of this would have happened if you two”—I pointed at Andy and David—“hadn’t told me I had to stay away from her”

“Whoa” Andy huffed, sitting up

“Is that really the sword you want to die on today?” Whit commented from his seat in t

he peanut gallery

“Well? You tell me You bicker about how she’s off liry about the ti nosy

“Still off limits,” David muttered

But I didn’t stop there “And the next thing I know, she’s going out with Mr Football-dick-face and then she needs a blood transfusion from Demon”

Hunter stuck his head back into the living roo referee “Hey, man, not even Damien would throw that in your face Let’s walk this back to sorown-up decision of which you don’t have to like, but since you do care about her, you have to accept”

I gruic

“Yourme with his beer from my recliner Jerk

“Careful, Whit, you’ve got a girlfriend Just wait until you lock that shit down and knock her up” I said, as if Whit was one to talk e all helped him move shit around in his house to raphy studio

Whit chuckled “Evan, you have a girl and a baby living with you I think you’ve got ed and I brushed them off