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“Agreed” He folded his aro on As a friend and colleague worried for your safety, I insist—” He stopped abruptly and tutted “I suggest you allow Bostock to act as your chaperone until I can investigate the matter further”

A feeeks ago, she would have given him a lecture on a woman’s ability to be independent, but she couldn’t shake the strange sense of foreboding

While still contee jerked to a halt near the entrance to the market in Covent Garden

“Let me accompany you to the molly-house, and we can discuss the matter of Mr Bostock on our return journey”

The corners of Thorpe’s mouth twitched “Your attempt at manipulation is unnecessary After what you’ve told ht”

Chapter 5

Covent Garden bustled with people eager to buy fro their wares Amid the loud cries of sellers desperate to attract attention now the rain had stopped, a ht Over-laden carts blocked the street Strewn baskets of rotten vegetables failed to draw paying custoh the rats made the most of the bounty of opportunity

Daniel gripped the tips of Daphne Chae “The house ant is a fewthe road Murphy has no hope of dropping us any closer”

As s

oon as he released her, Mrs Chaloved hand over her nose “Heavens above,” she mumbled

“The residents have petitioned for so to be done about the putrid stench It’s worse when it rains and the market’s busy”

Mrs Chambers lowered her hand “Once the initial shock has subsided, and my stomach decides not to cast up its contents, then I know it’s safe to breathe”

Daniel offered his arer than necessary, she placed her hand in the crook

They’d taken no more than ten steps when a man with a beaten top hat and threadbare coat approached theaze, it was obvious whatever he was selling had been acquired by ill-gotten means

“Can I interest you genteel folk in a fine bottle of rum?” the fellow said in a broad Irish accent as he whipped open his coat to reveal a dusty brown bottle “Five gills will cost but three shillings”