Page 40 (1/2)

“You’re right It is identi

cal in every way” Ivana cast a sidelong glance, excitement evident on her face “We are related to the people buried here Perhaps not by blood, but certainly by circumstance”

Isla’s thoughts drifted to the small skeleton in the stone coffin: a woman killed because of her blood affliction “Do you think Talliano’s need to find a cure stems from a promise made to his ancestors?”

Ivana shrugged “There is nothing to say that Talliano was not hundreds of years old and knew the lady personally She ht her here instead Perhaps they were persecuted for their affliction, and he hed “As we’ve already said, ill never know But it is still incredibly fascinating”

Isla glanced at the stone covering the entrance to the burial cha the toap”

Ivana shook her head “It will be far too dark down there, and we do not have a lantern”

Isla suppressed her disappointment For some reason, she felt drawn to the lady with the bracelet Perhaps it derived fro they had walked a si cabin and take a lantern and tinderbox fro soon and wanted to make every effort to repay the lady’s kindness

“Is it far?”

Isla shook her head “No, just a few minutes’ walk across the field”

Ivana smiled “I would like to take one last look inside the chamber”

They strode through the meadoards the cabin Ivana waited while Isla searched inside and returned with the necessary items

“I decided to light the candle here,” Isla said holding up the rusty lantern, “but I’ve brought the tinderbox, too, just in case”

They trudged back to the burial site Ivana spoke of her vivid dreahlands and the reason she chose to make the arduous journey

When they reached the entrance to the to cabin with Lachlan before you found us inside the burial mound?”

Isla felt the blush rise to her cheeks “Yes I … I thought it ht be last tihty child explaining a misdemeanour to her parents