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Ivana s your body into aard positions” She had enjoyed the long and arduous journey i time alone with Leo without any distractions proved to be a rather fulfilling experience, in more ways than one

He glanced back over his shoulder; the sinful s on his lips caused her stoile one can be in such a confined space”

Her heart skipped a beat at the e “When you say it like that you make me e still had a hundred miles to travel”

“I’hs would not stand the strain” Leo winked “Unless you have so else in mind”

Ivana shook her head “I’m sure you could tempt the Lord to sin, but we have other matters that require our attention” Desperate to distract her ard thoughts, she picked up the leather-bound book at her side and tugged on the piece of red ribbon she had used tolies on the banks of the River Earn The locals said it is the only castle to be found on this road”

“Then I shall tell Sylvester we intend to stop” Leo hollered up to the coach back into the seat opposite “Have you considered the possibility you ht be mistaken? What if we’ve had a wasted journey?”

Ivana conte away any doubts “I’m convinced the lady we seek lives here The dreaained hts found their way into ain I cannot stop the flow of vivid iolden hair, sharp fangs and a thirst for blood The sinore She could not explain hohy, but she felt the wo Ivana had no choice but to find the mysterious lady and try to ease her pain “I know you’re tired of hearing me say this, but fate draws me to her I am convinced Nikolai turned her too”

Leo folded his arms across his chest “I suspect the fact Talliano mentioned there is a mine located on this land makes the idea plausible”

Ivana sat forward, her desire to discover the truth evident in her eager actions “This is the place where Talliano found the haematite” Indeed, a further search of the crypt had uncovered another hidden notebook “If Nikolai turned me to protect the cure, then perhaps he turned the lady who lives here for a similar reason”

“That is if the lady you mentioned does live here”

Ivana flopped back into the seat “In es of the lady with her clanshed “I just wish you would believe me”

Leo crossed the carriage to sit at her side “I would not have agreed to come all this way if I did not have faith in you” He stroked her cheek “We will find her, this ht We will offer her the cure and then ill go and share our good fortune with my brothers”

Ivana’s heart swelled with love for him “I know you are i to be reunited with theain, and I love you all the more for the sacrifice you have made to make me happy”

“Making you happy is what I live for” He gave a wicked grin “And hearing your sweet sighs of pleasure, of course”

She batted hiroup ofthe forest with their lanterns held aloft “What do you think they’re doing out here at night?”