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The hostess bowed her head and winked out of existence to start
her search
“There,” Dante said to Meg She was looking at a photograph he
kept on his desk “We’ll have someplace to start soon”
Meg’s face had gone soft as she looked at the picture of four men
in tuxedoes They were all s, with their arms around each
others’ shoulders Dante knew the photograph well He’d taken it
himself “The twins are my cousins They’re from Ireland”
Meg nodded and almost reverently touched the picture “Their
hair is short It looks good, though Why are they wearing tuxedoes?
And who are the other men? Do they have other brothers here?”
Dante was used to wo over his very attractive
cousins No one paid him a bit of attention when Beck and Ci were
around It gave hireat pleasure to tell her where the picture had
been taken “Nope Just a sister Those men are Beck and Cian’s