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“How do I know that?” the wo

“Well, look at yourself,” Kit says, exasperated “You’re fine, aren’t you?”

“I think sobut”

Kit growls in frustration andinto me

“Sorry,” she says

“No prob What’s going on?”

“Those frexing , but if they’d had the overdose, they’d already be dead Try to convince theh ”

“What med patches?”

Kit reaches into her lab coat and shows reen patch “Doc developed them for the depressed patients Works, too If you have only one Probleotten out that three or more will kill you ”

“What’s in them?”

“Phydus ” She says it matter-of-factly, but she waits for

Phydus I thought ere through with that

Part of reed I thought he had proet the crowd that turned into a mob in the City

“We’re all going to die!” the worabs Kit by the lapels of her coat, her knuckles turning white

Kit wraps one hand around the woly, the woman easily releases her Her arms drop to her sides, and her whole body relaxes