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Off the Grid Shyla Colt 10250K 2023-08-28

“No, like this” He tilted her hand, helping her position her hand properly and carve down Her stomach flipped She met his eyes and he dropped her hand swiftly “Much better”

She followed hiround and positioned the trigger onto it, then hung the noose

“Good You’re ready I’ll guide you through the setup Right noe need to go before we lose the light”

They left their cauided her to a spot

“Do you see this run? You can tell it’s where a lot of animals travel because of the footprints”

She could see the tiny is, too”

“That’s exactly why this is an ideal place to set snare I have one a few yards up”

They checked three snares One yielded a rabbit He carried the carcass and hung back as he allowed her to reset the other three On the way back toward the camp she picked up wild scallions, chicken of the woodsripe raspberries She placed all the items in the pouch at her side

“This’llthose last minute raspberries A few more days and they would be overripe,” Thorn said

His praise ood about her efforts “I kno they’ll be dessert”

“I’ll adht’ve been telling the truth instead of boasting”

“You should never underestimate me, Finch” She winked

“I’ll keep that in mind”

They sat by side in front of the crackling fire The spit-roasted rabbit rested on the flat rock between the the meat

“You seem like a natural out here,” Thorn said