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‘Do you know anything about the camp at Luerina?’

‘Luerina is about two days’ journey north of here,’ Bridget replied ‘It’s a small outreach camp like our own If you think about a clock face, with Rejupe here at the centre and Jukrem in the seven o’clock positio

n, Luerina is at about the one o’clock position’


‘You’re sure there were no casualties?’ She turned to the young man

She knew volunteers who had gone to Luerina People eren’t just colleagues but friends

‘None that we know of, ma’am, but our intel is sketchy We’ve never had any coh now are through the charity You’ll probably know it froet the report’

‘Thanks,’ Bridget acknowledged as she turned back to the door and jogged out over the courtyard towards the hospital cluster The charity had their own coers here would surely have more information

Her head was so full that she wasn’t expecting it when Hayden fell into step beside her But she wasn’t surprised either

‘Slon’ He placed his hand gently on her arm ‘It won’t help anyone if you end up with a broken ankle’

Reluctantly, Bridget slowed

‘Do you know the team?’

She bit her lip It had tothat he could he read her so easily Didn’t it? A sob bubbled inside her, and she fought to choke it back

‘I know, I know,’ he said softly ‘You’re all out here for the saet it, it’s like a brotherhood Or sisterhood, if you prefer’

Despite everything, she ed a wry smile