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Hoas it that he’d co else? Because those were the ti the most herself

‘We’re not far out now’ She peered around the back of the vehicle and out at the landscape, which was, to be fair, rather boringly flat

As everywhere was in these parts

‘About an hour by my calculations’ He checked his watch

Again she poked her head out the back and peered around

‘I’d say a little longer There’s so of a deceptive dip in the terrain around here Takes you by surprise if you’re not careful’

Yes, he knew all about things around these parts taking hiht at one of the currently nestled in his arile


He’d been around theh to hear that cry and know that these babies were a lot more robust than they seemed

‘Are you really hating this?’ she asked suddenly, taking a break for aher patient

‘Hating what? Doing a recce in theanyway?’

‘You knohat I mean’ She dropped her voice until, even in the back of a four-tonner, it felt al a baby’

He pondered her question for awhy he needed to

‘Let’s just say that I’ht I would,’ he answered honestly, and then, as if to prove the point, he found hiht, before snuggling hihter

As if he was soile bundle fro an orphan in the next few hours