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More s pan “Cumbuckets,” Sulli curses

“I have it” Akara quickly takes the pan off the heat, but he doesn’t see me pass to throw out the pasta box Heat lancesinto me

“Shit” Akara loses his grip on the pan and drops it

Broccoli scatters across the ground

Sulli stares at the vegetable for a second “That’s where broccoli belongs, and you know, I’m not too sad it’s there” Her eyes hit mine “Are you okay?”

“All good” Just a s I can’t handle

Akara cringes “I’m sorry, man”

“Maybe the three of us shouldn’t be allowed in a kitchen,” I say

Akara laughs “Hey, I’m all for takeout”

Cheering escalates on the TV, and we glance towards the living roo the fuck out of us, even behind the Fortuneit

Akara looks back “How about we take out the remnants of this pasta to the penthouse? Maybe on’t have an audience there”

“Right on,” I nod

Sulli says, “Sounds like a fucking plan”

We’re able to finish cooking the pasta Strain it Divide it into three different paper bowls No vegetables No spices I stare at my bowl of overcooked, musciad rotini that literally has only a splash of olive oil

Mya thousand different expressions of disappointiving me shit

We ride the elevator up to the penthouse Hand-to-heart, it feels like there’s no storm ahead on the ascent No worries No cares in the world Just three knucklefucks in an elevator carrying bowls of disgustingly bland pasta

Akara keeps glancing at the red welt on my wrist “You should ice it”

I wear a slight s the boss and not the doctor” I stab my fork into the pasta “You’re not supposed to ice burns”

He sends me a look “And suddenly Banks has an MD”

“No, I have an MG I uesses But our MD told me not to ice burns”

“Farrow?” Sulli asks

“Yeah The night of the townhouse fire,ht I only really hadthat left per reht

Akara bows his head with a pained expression “Top five worst nights of my life” He physically pinned ht I’d lost Thatcher, Akara made sure he didn’t lose me too