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May nodded “Dr Cline was my first choice, but he rescheduled ain due to so personal John didn’t wantDr Mills”

Liz tried to hide her surprise Adam had rescheduled appoint Graone? What had he done?

Who was he with?

“John wants er hospital,” May continued, oblivious to the turh Liz “One in Jackson”

Liz doubted Jackson held a finer surgeon than Adaht of hi

“Just you get that second opinion,” she said firmly in an effort to hide her dismay

“Enough about me” The older woman waved her hand dis deal “How are you holding up?”

Maybe she hadn’t hidden her dismay so well

For the briefest ofhole in her chest, but no one knew about that Fortunately Kelly had been spending quite a bit of ti, by which tiether and hadn’t had to explain why her heart was so tattered Kelly had asked, but they’d been interrupted and Liz hadn’t been forced to go into any details

Until May’s revelation about Ada her act together

May asked about her grandfather, though

“As well as can be expected, I suppose” Considering everything “I ood times we shared and move on with my life”

True Regardless of as going on with Adam, Liz would randfather first, had planned to put Adam first for the rest of her life, but if he didn’t want her love, she’d still find happiness Perhaps she’d travel, see a bit of the world as a traveling nurse

May looked pleased “It’s what he’d have wanted”

“Yes” Gras like Adam