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“Is there anything uilty that he’d had to finish by himself She’d helped carry in the first load, but the ratitude for the equipment that would now be loaned out to those in need
“I think this is the last of it except for the hospital bed,” Ada the walker next to the other items he’d carried in Beneath his T-shirt his hed in appreciation of his physical beauty No doubt about it, Adaeous man, but his inner beauty hat had stolen her heart
He’d borrowed a friend’s truck and helped haul the equipns of Graed illness, had sees Besides, she needed that hospital bed out of her living roorandfather would have wanted the equipht otherwise have to do without
Yes, giving away the equip She’d tackle Graer, e that would co so
She glanced toward Ada the handles of Gramps’s walker White-knuckled, he wore a far-away look, as if he i forced to use assistive devices for a the few ti behind the walker he’d quickly grown too debilitated to use?
“I’ll get a couple of male employees to assist you with the hospital bed,” Glenda volunteered, interrupting Liz’s heartfelt stare
Whatever Adahts, he shook them off and nodded at the director “Thanks”
Two uide the bed off the truck and they rolled it inside the building
Liz bit the inside of her lip as she watched the bed being rolled down the hallway
“It’ll be alright,” Adaaze fixed on the disappearing hospital bed At first she’d thought he was reassuring her, but despi
te the fact he stood next to her, he didn’t seem aware she was there His attention riveted on that bed, not her
In her grief she’d forgotten that during the ti, Adarandfather He’d loved Gramps, too
Oh, Gramps
“It see her hand on Adam’s arm “That bed has been a central part of my life for so ain, I…” Her voice trailed off
Adaentle squeeze “I know”