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Me? I’ like a lovestruck fool
And I’ it when I jump forward over a year to a note that’s more than a few sentences
I doubt you’ll ever read this, but it’s going down on paper How many times did you tell me to put my experiences on paper “for posterity” when I called you a history dork? Fuck it, I listened
We saw our first dead people today
His nah his village He had eighteen grandkids
They slaughtered them all except the two older ones His wife, his sons, his entire family
Remember those WWI books you had your nose stuck in last summer? The ones you tried to tell me about and I pretended not to listen?
It still couldn’t have prepared me for this
I wonder if those dudes in the trenches ever got desensitized or if they were just always sad?
Soure it out real damn fast
I miss Marty I miss Dallas I miss you
I’ in h a few row farther apart
Happy eighteenth birthday I haven’t sent you shit and I’m not sure I ever will Since you won’t see this, I’ll tell you why I keep writing
This istherapy