Page 39 (1/2)
The girl reht on her feet Just yesterday, Remi had seen her in one of the shade trees in the lunch area, watching the girls beloho had no idea she was hiding up above thes”
“That’s not what it looked like to me,” Hank said
“She’s just a kid,” Sa about this man you saw”
“There’s notinto thethe nails into my car I don’t think he saw me, as busy as it was I can’t say for sure he was one of the men who attacked us out on the road I suppose it could have been a coincidence The only reason I noticed him was because of the white truck and the scar on his face”
“So you weren’t followed?” Sam asked
“I don’t see how” Hank glanced toward the girls lingering in the courtyard, then back at Sam and Remi “I realize now that it was foolish foranyone I a, “I’ll just put these in the shed”
“By the dor there after lunch”
Remi watched him walk off, then looked over at her husband “Should we be worried?”
“That’s a long stretch of road with nothing bethere ere robbed and that village Like he said, it could be coincidence Just in case,” he said, pulling out his phone, “I’ll call Selht Couldn’t hurt to have an extra body around Especially if we have to go into the village for anything” He called the nu Remi, “Let Pete know”
“I will,” she said Sam walked toward the office and Re yet another wheelbarrow of dirt into one of the planters She related what Hank told the Selht out,” she said as Hank walked up, looking suitably apologetic
He watched Pete work “That’s so soil”
“Lucky for us it’s fertile land We’re justto put it to better use” He wiped the sweat fro as a dig in Tunisia, I expect”
“No,” Hank said, bending down and picking up sorass near the side of the planter He closed his hand around the ite out toward the two shade trees, where Nasha and A rope
Pete followed the direction of his gaze “So, what is it you’re looking for out there?”
“What?” Hank, focused on the girls, looked back at Pete and Remi almost startled