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“Yes,” said Sam “But which way is the station?”

“Both ways, silly That’s how railork”

“I uess it doesn’t o the other way”

As they started to lead the horses across the road, they saw the first headlights they’d seen in hours The car originally appeared far away and then came closer and closer They could tell immediately it was like no car they’d ever seen It had three headlights—the usual pair, and then another one right between the two on the nose of the car As the car came around the bend and pulled to the side to pass, the center headlight

The car slowed and stopped in front of Sa and loith a body that tapered and narrowed at the back, strea, but son from the past

At the wheel of the car was a man who had white hair and a neatly tri a colorful Hawaiian shirt that was illuht froot out of the car and walked up to Saht “Can we help you?” he asked quietly in Russian

“We’re Alish

“If you don’t h you could use a hand,” the driver answered in English Sam and Remi were reminded that their clothes and faces were covered with flour and soot and dust, stuck to them with sweat

The passenger door opened and a tall, beautiful woht as her coeous horses,” she said “Where did you get them?”

“We stole thester and his men They kidnapped me”

“You poor things,” she said “We’ll get you two out of here But we’ll need to do so about the horses first”

“Janet likes animals,” the man explained “That pasture over there is fenced, and I see water reflecting the moon We could set them loose inside”

The man helped them remove the top two rails They led their tired horses inside and put up the rails again They reear on the fence Sa, and then Remi whispered to them for a moment

Sam and Remi caet into the backseat He got in front and drove off down the road

Remi said, “What kind of car is this?”