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The train pulled into a station that was simply a pair of outdoor platfor brick building He had no idea what the sign said The train stopped, the doors opened, and people struggled with heavy luggage and children and their own stiff-leggedness froot out the open door and started to walk
Sam had instinctively tried to stick with crowds, but this wasn’t a crowd A trickle of people who didn’t look much like him crossed a platforht, It’s tiot up and stepped out the door with his schoolboy bag and his cap and began to walk He heard the doors close behind him, then a muffled Russian announcean to pull it away He kept going He looked at his watch It was 5:08 If the train was on tiorod
He knew hewalk, but he also knew that he had probably just saved his own life He thought about his route The train had gone pretty ine it wasn’t designed to go due east the rest of the way He could see the sun rising at the eastern end of the road, so he headed toward it He pushed his hat’s briround alongside the road He was going to get to Remi
He kneasn’t getting there quickly, but he decided it had to be that way He didn’t want to draw attention to hiot there, he wanted to be like a drop of water in a rainstor his way
IT WAS LATE THE FOLLOWING NIGHT WHEN SAM SAW THE big fare fields surrounded by fences, but there didn’t see old manor house about half a s beyond that he supposed hts on that he could see He could tell there was a stream that ran from somewhere in the back part of the fara River Most of the field was just short grassy vegetation that he couldn’t identify in the night, but along the strea line of bushes and trees that grew there because of the abundant water
He went down to the strea etation would make his silhouette difficult to pick out, and the lower elevation of the streauessed that any guards stationed there would expect trouble to come from the road, not the little stream
Sa for trouble Once, he froze, and felt his heart pounding, because he
’d heard a noise up ahead, but then he realized it was just the sound of a bullfrog ju off a rock into the water so, trying to detect any note of alar
And then he reached a low arched wooden bridge that led from the fenced field to the lawn of the e to hide hi There were four stories and a French hts in the front He searched for sentries As he did, a pair oftoward the house froarden They passed the house, and he could see that both carried s They also carried shts, and one of the the shrubs in front of the house as they walked He shone the light up the side of the house to the second floor, and Sam noticed that there was aopen there at what must be the end of a corridor
The two men turned the corner and walked on Saone and then trotted up the lawn to the end of thedoard near the opento see if its supports would hold a an to climb He reached the second floor, put his hand on theframe, and pulled himself in over the sill He crouched near theand listened He didn’t hear the sound of footsteps
He thought he heard so of metal on metal Beside him was an open door He moved toward it and saas a bedroom He moved in farther to the next door, which was a bathroo clearly now, and, after a moment, he knew exactly what it was
Remi 4th floor
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Remi 4th floor